July 21, 2016

The Diverse Books Tag

The Diverse Books Tag

This tag was created by Naz, who wants everyone to read more diverse books.
Naz also has a master list of these tags. Y'all should check it out because there are links to loads of awesome book-lists.

The Rules
1. Credit the original creator, Read Diverse Books.
2. The Diverse Books Tag is a bit like a scavenger hunt. I will task you to find a book that fits a specific criteria and you will have to show us a book you have read or want to read.
3. If you can't think of a book that fits the specific category, then I encourage you to go look for one. A quick Google search will provide you with many books that will fit the bill. (Also, Goodreads lists are your friends.) Find one you are genuinely interested in reading and move on to the next tag. 

 Everyone can do this tag, even people who don’t own or haven’t read any books that fit the descriptions below. So there’s no excuse! The purpose of the tag is to promote the kinds of books that may not get a lot of attention in the book blogging community. 

1. Find a book starring a lesbian character

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

Now, I've never actually read the book, but I have seen the movie. 

2. Find a book with a Muslim protagonist

Ms. Marvel

Ever since I've heard about this book, I've wanted to read it. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but it's gonna happen.

3. Find a book set in Latin America

Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils

Once again, this is one of those things where I've watched some of the Indiana Jones movies, but I haven't read the books.

4. Find a book about a person with a disability

History is All You Left Met

This is about a boy with OCD. Now some people might not consider OCD a disability, but it is.

5. Find a sci-fi or fantasy book with a POC protagonist


This is a fantasy-ish book with a black female main character.

6. Find a book set in (or about) any country in Africa

Hair Story

This book starts off in Africa and then progresses into the United States. I still haven't finished this book because I didn't bring it with me to my summer program and I haven't gotten around to picking it back up.

7. Find a book written by an Indigenous or Native author

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 

This was my 8th grade history teacher's favorite book and I still haven't gotten around to reading it. I feel kinda ashamed that I haven't read it yet since it is about my people.

8. Find a book set in South Asia 

Life of Pi

I almost read this book in 11th grade during high school, but my friend convinced me to watch "The Little Mermaid" with her instead, so I forgot about the book and haven't picked it up since then.

9. Find a book starring a transgender character or about transgender issues

Redefining Realness

I absolutely love Janet Mock and believe she is such a great voice for the transgender community so I really do need to pick up her book.

I tag:
Temecka @ Library of Tomes
Gealdine @Corraling Books

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