April 2, 2018

March 2018 Wrap Up


       In March, I took the MCAT, so I didn't get hardly any reading done outside of the required texts for my classes. So, without further ado, here is my super short wrap up. And when I say short, I mean I read 2 novels and a graphic novel, so hardly anything.

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      I had to read the two novels, "Gone with the Wind" and "The Road to Serfdom" for my history class. I absolutely hated "Gone with the Wind". I thought it was a bunch of racist bullshit that tried to paint the South circa the Civil War as great people. As I said in my mini review on Goodreads, I am clearly not a part of the targeted demographic as a black woman from the North. I didn't hate "The Road to Serfdom", but I certainly didn't like it either. It was "eh" at best. Finally, after the MCAT I treated myself to the newest issue of "Archie". Each time I think the story is going to go one way, it doesn't. I appreciate how different it is from "Riverdale", which I haven't watched in like 3 months or so, so I really need to catch up on that show when I have time in the summer.

      How was your month as far as reading went? Have you read any of the books I read? And if so, what did you think of them? I would especially love to hear your thoughts on "Gone with the Wind", as I am sure they probably differ from mine. 

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