April was an "alright" reading month for me. I didn't read a lot of books, but I also didn't read next to nothing. I totally could have read more books with the free time I've had, but I honestly just haven't been in the mood. I've been watching a lot of Youtube and tv shows, and for the first time in forever I've actually gone back to writing. I'm editing my very first WIP from high school, and boy has it been a process. I didn't realize until now how much my writing has actually grown and how I've changed as a person. What I wrote in high school is nowhere near anything I would write or read in present day, but that's because I'm not the same, and that's not a bad thing at all.
Book: Bone Music
Author: Christopher Rice
My Rating: ★★★
Disclaimer: I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review.
Overall I thought the premise of the book was really interesting, but I had a hard time staying interested. A lot of the book felt slow and there are some things that felt like they did not connect with the rest of the book. That being said, I appreciated the depiction of a strong woman trying to get shit done and the idea of this drug helping her do just that. Will I read the sequel, probably not.
Author: Octavia Butler
My Rating: ★★1/2
I wasn't a big fan of the book. It wasn't terrible, but I just didn't enjoy the world building, the characters, or the writing style. And as I've said in a previous post, I think I'm just not a fan of Butler's writing. The premise for the book is extremely interesting, however I think the execution falls flat.
Book: Silent Spring
Author: Rachel Carson
My Rating: ★★★
I had to read this book for my history class and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. This book explores the consequences of using insecticides and other chemicals and despite the book being written in the 1960s, a lot of what was said was really relevant. My one problem with the book was that there were so many examples that essentially said the same thing that it was easy to get bored and skim. The book probably could have been cut down to half of its size of these repetitive examples weren't used.
Author: Holly Bourne
My Rating: ★★★★
This book has been on my TBR list and sitting on my Kindle for years and this month I was like "fuck it", I'm just gonna read it. The book was really entertaining and sucked me right in. The depiction of mental illness within a teenage girl is one I really appreciated. I will say, I think a lot of the issues were only presented at face value and once again the book followed the trope where romance was at the heart of the mental health. Besides that, I really did like the boy, though I will be honest, there were times when the episodes were so hard to read that I myself felt triggered and had to sit the book down for a little while.
Author: Naomi Alderman
My Rating: ★★★★1/2
This was definitely my favorite book that I read this month. We read it for my book club and I'm so glad we chose it. I don't want to give away much, but the entire concept behind the book is just so fascinating and lead to a lot of great conversation in my book club. The idea of all the women getting this power and taking over is just so fascinating because people always think if women ruled the world everything would be peachy, but people forget women are people too and people are inherently flawed. Overall, I thought the world building and mode of storytelling was excellent and I can only imagine the amount of time that went into creating this book. The book is being turned into a television series and you better your ass I'm going to watch it. I feel like this is a story that will translate really well on screen and there is so much more that wasn't only touched on in the book that can be expanded on screen.
Well that was my April. How was your April? Have you read any of the books I read? If so, what did you think? Tell me your thoughts down below in the comments.
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