December 5, 2019

November 2019 Wrap Up


      Yes, I know that we are already five days into December and I should have done my November
wrap up several days ago, but hey, better late than never. Besides, I need content for Blogmas. You gotta do what you gotta do.
       So let's get into it. November was not a very productive reading month. I read a whopping three books, and they were all read in the second half of November. In the beginning of the month I was finishing up my PhD applications, so that was pretty time-consuming. I wrote a lot of personal statements and research statements, so reading was like the last thing on my mind. It was also my birthday in the beginning of November. I really enjoyed my birthday outside of the fact that I got food poisoning and my roommate threw a party with 15 people and they all got drunk and threw up all over my apartment until like 6am. But I digress.

43822698Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw

I wrote a review for this book, which you can read here. This was the last book I read in November. I'm not going to go into too much detail because I've already said my piece in the review, but I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. I liked the magic/supernatural system, the writing, and the way the plot twisted. The book hit me harder than I expected and I'm glad I read it when I did. This book really made me get into the mood of reading again and kinda spurred my desire to blog more. Like seriously, if anyone read this book and would like to discuss it, please hit me up. I don't know      

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Basic Witches: How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman

So my roommate/best friend came up with a Youtube series that we are developing about three supernatural roommates. The character I am embodying is a witch so I wanted to make sure I did my research on how modern witches go about things. I'm pretty familiar with the traditional sense of witchcraft, but I thought it would be interesting to get to know more about the less traditional, not-so supernatural aspects of modern witchcraft. It was interesting to read what the authors conceptionalized as ways to tap into your inner energy/strength and connect with the energy of the world to conjure stuff. I personally don't believe in the vast majority of this type of stuff, but I find it super interesting to read about and I'm always for learning new things.

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The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

The Queen of Nothing was definitely hands-down my favorite book of the month. It was probably my mostly highly anticipated book of the year. Like earlier, I wrote a review so I won't go into much details. You can read that review here. I really enjoyed this book, though not as much as I had anticipated. I would have loved more Jude/Carden interactions, but I completely understand why that wasn't a possibility. I'm sad this trilogy is over, but glad it happened. Maybe someday Holly Black will revisit this world and give us more. 

      Those were the three books that I read this month. As you can see they were all in the vain of supernatural/paranormal/fantasy. That is hands down my favorite genre and if y'all have any good recommendations along those lines, please send them over to me. I need more!

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