June 3, 2018

May 2018 Wrap Up


      May was an interesting month to say the least. I had final exams which signaled the end of the school year. The beginning of the month was kinda rough to be honest. I had quite a bit of shit go down and had to re-evaluate my life and the direction I want to take with my career. I made a very hard decision and decided I will be pursuing a PhD (probably in Neuroscience) instead of a MD. I've come to peace with it, but it took awhile for my family to come around to it. At the end of the day, I'm happy with my decision and know that it was the right thing to do. I really see myself being happy with this route and I already know that my mental health is going to improve tremendously, which is something I have been continuously putting more time and effort into. 

      Anyway, onto reading and whatnot, after exams were done, I finally had time to read. After going through a "Veronica Mars" tv show binge, I really got into the mood to read and did a decent amount of reading. I'm working full time this summer doing research, so I have a good amount of time to read, but that's not always what I want to do with the spare time I have.

Books I Read
19547856  34203859  31038172  22818032  24485599  26237985

My Favorite Book: My favorite book this month was hands down "Torn" by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I listened to the first book on audiobook about a year ago and loved it, but as I'm wont to do, I didn't continue on to the second book. Well, I finally came around to listening to the second book and I loved it just as much as the first book. I really just love Jennifer L. Armentrout's writing, characters, and humor. I plan on listening to the final book soon and doing a series review, so look out for that.

My Least Favorite Book: Without a doubt, my least favorite book was "Meet Cute" by Various Authors, which you can read the review for that here. I just wasn't a fan of everything. As I say in the review, there are some stories that I really loved and others I thought were absolute trash.

My Life

      As I mentioned earlier, the semester ended and I decided to change the direction of my career, so I'm not going to go into that. On a completely different note, I finally picked back up my very first WIP that I started way back in high school, like 5 years. I don't know why, but I finally got the motivation to finish it and I had a eureka moment and figured out the direction for it and how I want it to end. If you guys are interested, I'll write a post about it and maybe include an excerpt. So far I've written like 27 chapters and in my head I'm about 2/3 done. It was always my goal to finish it by the time I graduate college, and seeing as I graduate this December, that might actually be a possibility. 

      So that was my month for the most part. How was your month? I've been so out of the booksphere that I have no idea what's going on, so if there are any books or people I should check out, let me know down in the comments!

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